Sunrise: 23/10/1948 — Sunset: 06/06/2021

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the promotion to glory of Elder Mrs. Nellie Ayuma Luchemo in the early morning of Sunday, 6th June, 2021. Former retired Senior Registered Nurse, Program Manager at MYWO & Executive Director at OHERS – NGO. She was a dedicated Elder of Winners’ Chapel International – Nairobi, Kakamega, Luanda, Butere & Khwisero. She hailed from Ebuluma Village, Mulwanda Sub-location, Kisa Central, Khwisero Sub-county.

The Third born daughter of the late Mzee Alfred Otemba and the late Mama Rhoda Otemba, born in a family of six siblings. Sister of the late Truphosa Alivitsa, late Aggrey Otemba, Janet Opanyi, late Getrude Nyakowa and Carosella Awinja Ademba. Loving wife of the late Mr. Edwin Arthur Aloyo Luchemo. An adoring and precious mother of Pam Luchemo – Anyanga (Principal-Muhaka Secondary – Kwale County), Dolly Luchemo- Mwanzia (Minister/Author, USA), Linda Luchemo – Mbithi (Nakuru), Brenda Luchemo (Advocate, Nairobi), Sylvia Luchemo (Nairobi), Maureen Luchemo (Nairobi), Samuel Aloyo Luchemo (Nairobi) and Philip Amunga Luchemo (Khwisero). Mother-in-law to the late Justus Wanekeya Anyanga, Shem Mwanzia (Minister, USA) and Victor Mbithi (Nakuru).

Daughter-in-law of the late Mzee Samuel Aloyo and late Mama Dorika Aloyo Sister-in-law (Kisa) of the late Prof. George Eshiwani, the late Beatrice Nyakowa Amunga, Howard Aloyo, the late Jimmy Sharanda, Margret Malau, the late Augustine Okello, David Omusula Aloyo, Florah Atsango Aloyo, Mr. Malau (Kilifi) and Mr. Beautah Aloyo (Nakuru). Sister-in-law (Bunyore) of Edward Keng’o, Esther Otemba, Jessica Akose, Richard Opanyi, the late Johnstone Omido and Justus Ademba.

Mwalikhwa of Rebecca Eshiwani, Margret Aloyo, the late Phyllis Sharanda, Fridah Okello and Mary Omusula Aloyo. An aunt to many. Adorable grandmother of Raisa Anyanga, Eiffel Anyanga,Al Anyanga, Nuru Mwanzia, Mwamba Mwanzia, Bradley Mbithi, Brianna Mbithi and Zayah Malaika Ayuma.

Funeral arrangements are ongoing at her home in Ebuluma, Kisa Central.

Burial will be held on Saturday 19th June, 2021, at her home in Ebuluma.

Fare thee well precious Mum, say hallo to Dad. and funeralDeath of NELLIE AYUMA LUCHEMO,NELLIE AYUMA LUCHEMO
Sunrise: 23/10/1948 — Sunset: 06/06/2021 It is with deep sorrow that we announce the promotion to glory of Elder Mrs. Nellie Ayuma Luchemo in the early morning of Sunday, 6th June, 2021. Former retired Senior Registered Nurse, Program Manager at MYWO & Executive Director at OHERS – NGO. She was...