Kavata Mutua
It is with deep sorrow and acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of our mother Kavata Mutua…
Elizabeth Wanjiku Maina
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of Elizabeth Wanjiku Maina…
Masidza Sande Galavu
Sunrise: 06/01/93 – Sunset: 11/02/2020 The Galavu family announces the passing on of their beloved son Masidza Sande Galavu. Son…
Mr. Ramlal Sharma
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Ramlal Sharma on Wednesday 12th February 2020. Mr.…
Mary Nepore Kisio
1st Anniversary Celebration 23/10/1969- 14/02/2019 In loving memory of our dear mother who was Loving and kind in all…
Marion Wairimu Waweru
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the demise of Marion Wairimu Waweru. Wife of Francis…
Mark Radoli
It is with profound sorrow and humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing away of Mark Radoli,…
Mama Wilhermina lmbukha Shikami
2nd Anniversary 8.12.1958 – 14.02.2018 `Forever enshrined in our hearts Mum, forever Loved’ Dear Mummy, it has been 2 years…
Mary Wamaitha Kamau
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the death of Mary Wamaitha Kamau, which occurred on…
Mayi Omusime Margaret Nasimiyu Saenyi
Sunrise: -28/10/1958 – Sunset:- 3/2/2020 It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of…
Mrs Esther Ayuma Lubanga
Sunrise: -25th May 1931 – Sunset:- 31st January 2020 With ultimate sorrow and grief, the Lubangas announce the promotion to…
Philip Waiganjo Kimani Gituma
We regret to announce the death of Philip Waiganjo Kimani Gituma which occurred on 9/02/2020 at Metropolitan Hospital Buruburu. Father…