SUNRISE: 14th October 1966
SUNSET: 13th April 2023

Days, weeks and months have now turned into a year since the almighty God called your name, Alice, and took you into his lovely home.

Not a single day passes without our thoughts turning to you. Today, as we celebrate the first anniversary of your death, we are particularly reminded of

how fortunate we were to have had you in our lives for the time that God granted us.

Each of us misses you in a unique and personal way. We remain grateful for the Almighty’s continued presence in our lives especially in our time of

Alice, you are lovingly remembered and deeply missed by your loving father, your husband, your children, your brothers and sisters, cousins, other extended family and friends.

May your soul continue to rest in eternal peace until we meet again.

You remain Forever in Our Hearts.

Psalms 112:6: Those who are righteous will long be remembered MAKONJO OTUNGA
IN LOVING MEMORY SUNRISE: 14th October 1966 SUNSET: 13th April 2023 Days, weeks and months have now turned into a year since the almighty God called your name, Alice, and took you into his lovely home. Not a single day passes without our thoughts turning to you. Today, as we celebrate the first...