Sunrise: 1934 – Sunset :2/7/2020

It is with profound sorrow and humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of the amiable, jovial and people-loving mum Dorcas on 2nd July, 2020.

Loving daughter of the late Rufus M’imwitha and late Peris Cianjeru. Loving wife of the late Ernest Njue. Mother of Jane, Peris, Millicent, Geoffey Njang’ombe (Commissioner for cooperatives), late Rufus, Edwin, Ann, late Julia, Francis and David. Sister of the late Francis, Benard, Julia, and late Nkari. Aunt, cousin and friend to many. She was blessed with 33 grandchildren Maureen Karimi of U.S.A among others, 32 great grand children and one great, great grand child, Meghan.

The cortege will leave Kyeni Hospital mortuary on Friday the 10th July 2020. Funeral service and burial will take place the same date at her home Mufu village, Kyeni – Embu county.

Romans 14:8 “Whether we live or die we belong to the Lord” and funeralDORCAS CIANJOKA NJUE
Sunrise: 1934 – Sunset :2/7/2020 It is with profound sorrow and humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the promotion to glory of the amiable, jovial and people-loving mum Dorcas on 2nd July, 2020. Loving daughter of the late Rufus M’imwitha and late Peris Cianjeru. Loving wife of the late...