It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we announce the death of Irene Joel Olum of Maseno University who rested on 16/04/2024 after a short illness.

Wife of the late Joel Gordon Owuor Olum. Mother of Mary Lumumba, Fredrick Olum, Albert Lumumba, Joel Lumumba, Ronald Olum, and Wilson Okwero.

Daughter of Naomi Simuyi and the late Peter Simiyu.

Daughter in-law of the late Fredrick Olum Onyango.

Mother-in-law of Beryl, Millicent, and Dan Ondula.

Sister-in-law of the late Jonathan, the late Gordon, George, Job, Rose, Edith, Hellen and Eunice.

Sister of the late Jenipher, the late Betty, Charles, Dr Omukunyi, Michael, Moses, Patrick, John, Fred, Isaack, Rodgers among others.

The cortege leaves Nightingale Mortuary for overnight Virgil on 10/05/2024.

Burial will take place on 11/05/2024 led by St Mark ACK Church (Emuhaya) at her home in Mariwa Village, North Ratta Sub-Location, Otwenya Location in Seme

Sub-County. and funeral
It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we announce the death of Irene Joel Olum of Maseno University who rested on 16/04/2024 after a short illness. Wife of the late Joel Gordon Owuor Olum. Mother of Mary Lumumba, Fredrick Olum, Albert Lumumba, Joel Lumumba, Ronald Olum, and Wilson Okwero. Daughter of...