It is with saddened hearts that we announce the death of Lui Fredrick Adera which occurred on Sunday 6th August 2023.

Son to Joshua and Jane Adera. Cherished husband to Noreen Khakayi. Doting father to Maya Jane and Zoey Imani.

Beloved brother to Valbett, the late Raymond Basil, Elaly Rachel and Dan Mike.

Son-in-law to Beatrice Bitsengwa.

He was a cousin and friend to many.

There will be a memorial service on 22nd August at Nairobi Central SDA church.

The cortege will leave Montezuma funeral home on 23rd. Burial will take place on 24th August in Migori.

Funeral contributions are channeled to Mchanga Paybill no: 891300 Account: 73878

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. and funeral
LUI FREDRICK ADERA It is with saddened hearts that we announce the death of Lui Fredrick Adera which occurred on Sunday 6th August 2023. Son to Joshua and Jane Adera. Cherished husband to Noreen Khakayi. Doting father to Maya Jane and Zoey Imani. Beloved brother to Valbett, the late Raymond Basil, Elaly...