It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Margaret Waitherero Mbuchi, which occurred on 05th September, 2023. She hailed from Matiianii Village – Githambo Sub-location. Murang’a County.

Wife to the late Eliud Mbuchi Waithaka. Mother to Peter Waithaki. Caroline N. Kibe, Rachael W. Kamau, Nancy Wania, Kenneth Mwangi, John Githuki and Patrick Kariuki.

In-law to Virginia Waithaka, David K. Nyoike, josphat K2Mati and Susan Mwangi.

Sister to Alice Kariuki and the late (Kariuki, Cheg,. Niuguna, Kiemo, Nduati and Waimiri). Grandmother and great-grandmother to many.

The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home – Kabati on Wednesday 13th September, 2023 for a service at ACK St_ Pail – Kiruri. Thereafter, the burial service will be held at her home in Mathanii Village – Githambo.

‘Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his .steadfast love endures forever.’ — Psalms 107: 1 and funeralDeath of MARGARET WAITHERERO MBUCHI,MARGARET WAITHERERO MBUCHI
It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing on of Margaret Waitherero Mbuchi, which occurred on 05th September, 2023. She hailed from Matiianii Village – Githambo Sub-location. Murang’a County. Wife to the late Eliud Mbuchi Waithaka. Mother to Peter Waithaki. Caroline N. Kibe, Rachael W....