Nancy Wangui Mirera

Sunrise: 1932 ~ Sunset: 6th May 2024

It’s with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the Ascension to glory of Nancy Wangui Mirera.

Daughter of late Mirera wa Thairu and the late Wanja  wa Kihara.

Sister of the late Njeri wa Joel, the late Joseph Thairu Mirera, the late Nyawira wa Ndonga, Ann Wanjiku (Gachigi – Nyina Mirera) and the late Naomi Waitherero


Mother of William Wachira (Wilka pump) the late Wanja Kamau, Joseph Maina (Wa Nancy), Peter Mwangi( Kago), Mary Njeri, the late Kihara Kamau and Rose


Mother-in-law of the late Anna Wanjiku Wachira, Loise Wangechi and Rosemary Wanjiku.

Grandmother of PS for Energy Alex Kamau Wachira (Watotal) and Edith Wairimu Kamau (Nairobi Hospital), Nancy Wangui Wachira (Bellevue Health Centre),

Valentine Wachira (Nairobi Water), Purity Wanja Gatama (Australia) and Herbert Gatama (Australia), Patrick Kamau, Bernard Kamau, Amos Gitonga, Michael Njogo,

Kenneth Wachira, John Mwangi, Nancy Wangui Mwangi, Nancy Wangui Wanjiru, Charles Kamau and Margaret Murugi.

Nancy was blessed with 22 great grandchildren.

Prayer meetings are going on daily at her son’s home William Wachira in Irigithathi Gitugi Village, Manyatta Sub-Location, Kamburaini Location, Nyeri County from

3.30 pm.

The cortège leaves Nanyuki Cottage Funeral Home on Monday 13th May, 2024, 8.00am for the funeral and burial service at her son’s home Wlliam Wachira in

Irigithathi Gitugi Village, Manyatta Sub-Location, Kamburaini Location, Nyeri County.

2 Timothy 4 7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” and funeralDeath of Nancy Wangui Mirera.,Nancy Wangui Mirera.
Sunrise: 1932 ~ Sunset: 6th May 2024 It’s with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the Ascension to glory of Nancy Wangui Mirera. Daughter of late Mirera wa Thairu and the late Wanja  wa Kihara. Sister of the late Njeri wa Joel, the late Joseph Thairu Mirera, the late...