Sunrise: 14 April 1941 – Sunset 26 May 2020

It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing of Romanus James Kobia.

Romanus was husband of Anastasia Jausiku Kobia (Meru Herbs Kenya). Son of the late James M’Imaria and Ciokaunga & stepson of Charity Ciokailanya. Son-In-Law of late Henry M’Itaru and late Carola Kaome. Adored and Treasured Father of Alex (formerly Aljazeera and NMG) & Carole (Oracle), Henry (Lake Turkana Wind Power Project) and Gachen, the late Peter (USA), Paul (formerly TBC) and the late Nellie, Karimi (Novo Nodisk USA) & Tony (Stanbic Mombasa) Grandfather of Gitonga, Sofipita, Makena, Joan and Anita Kaberia; Nigel and Jordan Kobia, Kendi Munene. Loving brother of the late Muriungi and Lengwa, stepbrother of Julius and Sabina Murea, Kinoti & Ciongondu, Muliuki & Nkirote. Brother-In-Law of the Late Clement and late Mary Baariu, the late Johnson and late Martha Mugambi. Patrick and Muthoni Kaibunga, the late Stanley and Susana Mbogo,Tony and Saverina Mwenda, Ringeera and Rosa Kamencu, the late George and Angelica Baimuny-a., In law of David and Annah Magiri, the late Joseph Kithya and Lucy Kayuyu, the late Paul and Njeri Ndungu. He was a friend and uncle to many.

The cortege will leave Lee Funeral Home on Fnday 29th May 2020 at 7:00am for Meru Town. A private funeral ceremony will be held on Saturday 30th May 2020 at 10:00am at the family home at Anchenge village, Maua, Meru County in compliance with Government of Kenya’s Covid-19 restrictions.

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away,” Revelation 21:4 and funeralDeath of ROMANUS JAMES KOBIA,ROMANUS JAMES KOBIA
Sunrise: 14 April 1941 – Sunset 26 May 2020 It is with humble acceptance of God’s will that we announce the passing of Romanus James Kobia. Romanus was husband of Anastasia Jausiku Kobia (Meru Herbs Kenya). Son of the late James M’Imaria and Ciokaunga & stepson of Charity Ciokailanya. Son-In-Law of...