Born: 246 December 1977 – Died: 8th October 2020

It is with-deep sorrow that The Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union (Kenya Region) wish to announce the passing on of Sr. Philomenah Koki Maweu OSU on Thursday 8th October 2020 while undergoing treatment in Mater Misericodiae Hospital Nairobi. She was a teacher at St. Patrick’s Mutune Primary School Kitui county and formerly taught at Nabulon Primary School Lodwar Diocese.

Beloved daughter of the late John Maweu and Beatrice Maweu. Beloved sister to Pauline Mweni, Ann Loco, Patrick Muazya, Charles Mulwa R.I.P, Josephine Mutheu, Stephen Mwema. She is sadly missed deeply by her Ursuline sisters, extended family, relatives and friends.

The cortege leaves Mater Misericordiae Hospital (Nairobi) on Sunday 18th October 2020 at 10.00am for an overnight vigil. She will be laid to rest on Monday 19th October 2020 10.00am at St. Patrick’s Mutune Catholic Church, Kitui Diocese.

Requiem masses are held every day at St. Augustine’s Mutune Convent Kitui at 3.00pm.

John 11:25 “I am the Resurrection and the life; those who believe in me, even though they die live.”

Together let us pray for our sister whom it has pleased God to call to Himself May she rest in peace and funeral
 Born: 246 December 1977 – Died: 8th October 2020 It is with-deep sorrow that The Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union (Kenya Region) wish to announce the passing on of Sr. Philomenah Koki Maweu OSU on Thursday 8th October 2020 while undergoing treatment in Mater Misericodiae Hospital Nairobi. She was...